How We Work With You
Professional advisors find themselves at the convergence of two dramatic forces in society today: the enormous increase in personal wealth and the renewed concern for the community.
Here are ways that we can help you serve your clients
Community foundations can support you and your clients at every step in the charitable giving process. We can help you:
- Identify your clients’ charitable giving interests and motivations.
- Match personal charitable interests with tax planning needs.
- Create and implement charitable plans that are integrated into major business, personal, and financial decisions.
- Facilitate complex forms of giving and execute technical giving instruments (such as charitable remainder trusts).
- Provide information on community needs.
- Research grant opportunities and charities, helping your client make the most of their charitable gifts.

Success Story
Think of the Community Foundation as your personal planned giving design center.
Community foundations have earned the trust of thousands of professional advisors throughout the United States. We work through advisors to enhance the service clients seek from you and your firm — always respecting and working within the relationship you have developed and lead with your clients.
Community foundations can provide a single point of contact for all of an advisor’s charitable planning needs: We’re a convenient, professional resource that helps you do more for your clients.
Our motivation is simple:
Our business is community philanthropy.
When you partner with the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada, you are helping your client make the biggest impact possible.

We Make Philanthropy Simple, Powerful, Effective
Community foundations are a resource for advisors. Attorneys, CPAs, financial planners, brokers, insurance agents, and other professional advisors are turning to community foundations to help enrich the charitable giving strategies of their clients. Here’s why:
- Community foundations are neutral experts with technical information on a range of planned giving options — from executing gifts of real estate, stock, or personal property to establishing donor advised funds or income-producing charitable annuities. Community foundations help advisors provide their clients with the best charitable giving strategies based on each client’s unique financial situation, tax status, and giving goals.
- Community foundations have in-depth information on local needs and nonprofit organizations. When clients ask, “how can I make sure my charitable gifts will make a difference?” many advisors turn to community foundations for information on the programs and agencies that are working effectively in the specific arenas interesting each client. Community foundations are in touch with local organizations and activities addressing the broad spectrum of community needs — ranging from the environment, arts, education, and economic development to special programs for youth, family, and seniors.
- Community foundations serve as the vehicle for giving many advisors seek for their clients. For example, community foundations can establish Donor Advised Funds — the very popular mechanism through which a client can make a charitable gift and stay personally involved in suggesting uses for that gift over time. Community foundations are frequently named in bequests as stewards for estate assets that a client wishes to direct to address specific areas of community need in perpetuity. Giving through a community foundation also provides a client time and resources for evaluating potential grant recipients, as well as the ability to give to multiple charities with a single gift.