Gere Clark's Donor Advised Fund Simplifies Her Giving

The Legacy of Grace Foundation makes it simple and possible for me to carry on where my heart is leading me.
Because her philanthropy had grown so much in recent years, Geré Clark's financial advisor, John Dooley, suggested she formalize her efforts through a private foundation or donor-advised fund at the Community Foundation. Geré Clark chose to create a donor-advised fund — the Legacy of Grace Foundation— because it made sense for her needs. To make a grant she simply sends off an email to her Community Foundation relationship manager. And there is no need to complete an IRS tax return each year, such as is required for a private foundation. She appreciates that she can make a periodic donation of appreciated stock, saving her capital gains taxes, and use her fund toward her charitable projects all year. “My son was the reason I got up every morning during the hardest days after my husband died,” Geré explains.
“My children and grandchildren are the motivation behind the Legacy of Grace Foundation. I hope they will continue the Legacy of Grace Foundation as successor advisors and its good work with causes that move them.”
Not surprisingly as she personally faced many challenges in her youth, Geré empathizes with women’s struggles. She has honed her philanthropic focus to a few local organizations and projects, including the Village on Sage Street, The Eddy House, the Dream Center in Carson City, and the Ron Wood Center, where she serves on the board. Beyond Northern Nevada, Geré’s generosity impacts women and children in Uganda. Geré is friends with missionaries who serve in Uganda, and for the last three years, she has flown to Africa to participate in a Christmas celebration with the village children. In 2019, 4,000 children enjoyed a festive party, as well as new shoes that can be adjusted to fit a child’s growing feet. Geré also supports Bless a Child in Uganda, a children’s cancer clinic and hospice, and Smile Africa, an education restart program for widows. Geré belongs to a unique group of philanthropists who actively give during their life, in lieu of solely leaving bequests in their estate. According to Geré,
“By giving now, I experience the blessing and joy. When my husband died, I thought our shared dream of retiring and helping the missionaries had died with him. Through the Legacy of Grace Foundation, our dream is reality. The fund makes it simple and possible for me to carry on where my heart is leading me.”