Community Engagement
Guided by our collaborations and connections in the community, we lead, convene and create partnerships to address critical needs facing Northern Nevada.
For more than 25 years, donors have entrusted their philanthropy and visions to the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada. The strength of our expertise goes to work—no matter what your philanthropic goals—so your generosity can do the greatest good for our region and beyond.

The Community Foundation brings together people who may be on all sides of an issue to address problems and achieve real solutions.
We believe impact results from the collaborative process. You have a stake in the strength of our community. We define stakeholders as anyone who cares. Whether you are a nonprofit staff member, private business employee, government worker, or a concerned community member, there is a place for you.
We work through a number of initiatives and partnerships to accomplish this work.

The Community Foundation works with the City of Reno, private individuals, and businesses to build affordable single-family homes for low-income individuals within a Community Land Trust model. Our first community collaboration was the Village on Sage Street, once an abandoned mining camp in Wyoming, it was transformed into a dorm-style community for 216 very low-income residents in downtown Reno that rents for $555 a month.

Preventing Financial Scams Initiative
Collaborating with regulatory agencies, professional advisors, law enforcement, and governing officials to offer tips, seminars, and events to help Northern Nevada residents prevent financial scams.

Caregiver Support Initiative
Family caregivers are often overlooked, but through this initiative, we have listened to, learned from, and worked with caregivers to help create tools to alleviate some of the stress that caregiving brings.

Family Estate Planning Series
Take charge of your estate. PBS Reno and the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada along with nonprofit sponsors present a series of free, in-depth workshops on estate planning.

Investing for Good
A primary concern of the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is the availability of affordable and workplace housing in our region. With the agreement of fundholders we make a direct investment through a community development financial institution to underserved populations locally.

High School Giving Circle
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada High School Giving Circle meets after school for 10 weeks and decides the best use for $10,000 in grants to local nonprofit agencies.

Nonprofit Academy
The Nonprofit Academy is open to nonprofit Executive Directors/CEOs who have less than three years of experience in their current role. Participation is limited to one participant per organization.
Community Impact
Community engagement has been a focus for the Community Foundation since 2013 to build upon philanthropy and address persistent issues. The Community Foundation evaluates its grants and activities to measure the impact our philanthropy has on the communities of Northern Nevada.