Tax-Estate Planning
A Charitable Gift May Solve Your Problem
Making complicated and extraordinarily beneficial giving arrangements simple is what the Community Foundation does. Accepting unique and complex assets and offering our donors expert philanthropic advising is what sets the Community Foundation apart. Customized charitable gift planning, that benefits you, your heirs, and your community is a cornerstone service of the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada

Contact Lyndsey Crossley, CAP®, Philanthropic Advisor
Email or call us at 775-333-5499 to talk about the benefits of a customized charitable gift planning.
Beneficiary Designation Gifts
You want to make a big gift to charity but need to hold on to your current assets now.
A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support Community Foundation Northern Nevada. You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.
Charitable Gift Annuity
You may be tired of living at the mercy of the fluctuating stock and real estate markets. You want to count on a secure income stream, take a tax deduction, and do some good while you are at it. A charitable gift annuity is a gift made to our organization that can provide you with a secure source of fixed payments for life.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Are you concerned about the high cost of capital gains tax with the sale of an appreciated asset? Perhaps you recently sold property and are looking for a way to save on taxes this year and plan for retirement. A charitable remainder unitrust might offer the solutions you need!
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
You may be looking for a way to receive a fixed income for life or a number of years. Are you concerned about the high cost of capital gains tax with the sale of an appreciated asset? Perhaps you recently sold property and are looking for a way to save on taxes and plan for retirement. A charitable remainder annuity trust may offer the solutions you need.
Give it Twice Trust
You may be looking for a way to provide your children with income while making a gift to Community Foundation Northern Nevada. The "give it twice" trust is a popular option that allows you to transfer your IRA or other asset at death to fund a term of years charitable remainder unitrust. We call this kind of unitrust a give it twice trust because you can use the trust to pay income first to your family for a number of years and then distribute the balance of the trust to charity.