Community Foundation Initiatives
Since 2013, the Community Foundation has actively engaged with the community to identify and address critical initiatives, including youth homelessness, caregiver resources, and preventing financial scams.

Addressing Youth Homelessness
The You'N-I (Youth Network Initiative) was the Community Foundation's inaugural initiative, started in 2013, to support youth experiencing homelessness. The initiative included creating RenoYouthNetwork.com, a website that provides resources for housing, food, education, employment, counseling, clothing, financial assistance, and more. The Eddy House now leads this initiative.

Caregiver Support
The Caregiver Support Initiative, now led by the Sanford Center for Aging, connects individuals caring for aging family members with essential resources and information. It encompasses NevadaCaregivers.org, a website, and a Caregiver Guidebook which is available for free in many hospitals, doctor's offices, and senior centers in northern Nevada.

Preventing Financial Scams
The Preventing Financial Scams Initiative equips Nevadans with essential resources and information to avoid falling victim to scammers. Today, the initiative is led by the Better Business Bureau Serving Northern Nevada and Utah (BBB). This initiative included creating Tips for Preventing Scams videos in English, Spanish, and Tagalog. The initiative also created a preventing financial scams tip sheet for isolated seniors and a guidebook for staying safe after losing a loved one. Visit BBB.org/Reno to learn more about the BBB and visit BBB.org's Preventing Financial Scams page to access electronic versions of all of the available resources.