Thank YOU, goes a long way.
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada publicizes its grants through media relations and feature stories in our publications and website. We encourage nonprofit organizations to share photos of grant projects with us so we can showcase your good work.
The Community Foundation can help publicize your grant and your activities by:
- Highlighting interesting grant stories through the nevadafund.org website, newsletter, and annual report
- Sending a representative to grant-related events, at your request (not required)
- Providing acknowledgment language and Community Foundation logos for your use as needed (see below).
Grant Recipient Responsibilities
We appreciate an acknowledgment of your grant from the Community Foundation in whatever ways are within your organization’s communications capabilities. We encourage you to send us press releases or copies of publications or media coverage that mention your grant.
Acknowledging Your Grant
Please use the following language to acknowledge your Community Foundation grants:
This project was funded ( or funded in part) by a grant from the XYZ Fund at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada.
Please always refer to the Community Foundation as the “Community Foundation of Northern Nevada. ” You may use “Community Foundation” on the second reference.
Foundation Description
If you need a description of the Community Foundation, please use the following:
Founded in 1998, the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada the premier philanthropic institution for our region strengthens our communities through leadership and philanthropy by connecting people who care with causes that matter.
Community Foundation Logo

cfnnv logo (PNG)

cfnnv logo (JPG)

cfnnv logo reverse (PNG)

cfnnv logo white (PNG)
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