Pitching In at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada

Northern Nevadans have a history of giving back and pitching in, driven by a desire to create a caring community.
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada provides a way for people to pitch in. We are driven by a motivation to help with most anything where our efforts will make a difference. That is the unusual nature of a community foundation. Our neighborhoods, our communities large and small, need people to pitch in, many more people than are actively engaged today.
Opportunities for meaningful involvement through the Community Foundation have grown exponentially as our knowledge of community needs evolves.
Opportunities for making a powerful impact present themselves this year! The research we perform for fundholders and the grants they make result in generous funding for critical needs. Connecting and building relationships with growing groups of donors, foundations, community leaders, charity service providers, corporations, and civic groups has established the Community Foundation as a Northern Nevada philanthropic leader. We have found ourselves at the nexus of "pitching in" and are loving this role. We see tangible impact and benefits to all of us living here in Northern Nevada as the Community Foundation team measures everything! Pitching in is an old-fashioned term, but it fits the Community Foundation model very well. No single institution or single-family built the Community Foundation. Our mission does not "belong" to anyone group, charitable sector, or region. We are truly your community's foundation. Our mission statement says it well… "we connect people who care with causes that matter." There are many causes that matter and a great deal of meaningful work to be done.
- When you join our board, you are pitching in.
- When you support the Community Housing Land Trust or a housing project, you are pitching in.
- When a corporation joins our Corporate Philanthropy Partnership, they are pitching in.
- When a professional advisor refers a client to the Community Foundation for philanthropic services, they pitch in.
- When you establish a charitable fund, you are pitching in.
- When you set up a bequest arrangement or a charitable trust, you are pitching in.
The Preventing Financial Scams and Caregiver Support initiatives need more people to pitch in. The Community Foundation's efforts to help working people secure housing needs you.
We aim to help working families not only find affordable housing but to enjoy the benefits of homeownership and build equity. To make the biggest impact in providing affordable housing, we need more funding and companies willing to offer discounted services. To rise to the housing opportunities before us, the Community Foundation needs volunteer leaders. We are looking for people ready to use their influence, share their experience and education, make referrals, and increase our connections.
There is a place for you at the Community Foundation.
The Community Foundation's focus and reach are broad. What do you care about? Our philanthropic advising team works individually with fundholders, assisting you to reach your goals. Your passion drives your philanthropy. We can help you make a difference in the cause or causes that matter to you. Please give me a call if you are interested in pitching in and joining the "community" team. I think there is nothing more satisfying than rolling up your sleeves with other like-minded people and working towards a common goal in which we take tremendous pride. Chris Askin, President/CEO 775-333-5499 Connecting people who care with causes that matter