Giving Anonymously to Those You Do Not Know is the Highest Level of Giving

Sometimes, because I work at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada, I feel like I am wearing rose-colored glasses.
Although I am exposed to our community's needs which can be deeply troubling, I experience daily moments of generosity, giving, helping, and the best of human nature. Most of the people calling the Community Foundation ask how they can help. They call to explore ways of giving or to volunteer their leadership to improve our community. Every single day is beautiful in so many ways.
This morning we received a gift in the mail that represents, to me, the very best in giving. I want to explain why.
I think there are literally "rungs" on the ladder of giving. They include lower rungs such as giving unwillingly and making a token gift when asked. The next rungs up represent much of the giving that we experience at the Community Foundation: giving without being asked and giving to help people that the donor doesn't know. The highest form of giving, in my view, is giving anonymously to help someone unknown to the donor. We received that kind of gift today.
A donor sent their $1400 stimulus payment to the Community Foundation. They included a note asking that their name be kept anonymous and directing their donation to the Community Endowment.
By contributing to the Community Endowment, they have given up all control over how, who, and when their gift will help others. I am in awe of their thoughtfulness, their trust, and their faith. I can promise them, and you, that the Community Foundation will not let them down. The Community Foundation devotes careful thought and research to grantmaking and its processes for the several funds, like the Community Endowment, entrusted to us to grant. We are committed to our mission of strengthening the community and following our fund's intent. It is not enough for the Community Foundation staff and those on the grant committees to know the grants' impact. We capture data on the process, the granting, and the grant results and distribute that information to the donors and the community at large.
The data, the stories, and results encourage gifts like the one from this morning's anonymous donor.
I wish that everyone in our region could see people in our community through the same rose-colored lens of generosity I have the honor of wearing. I also see the great good that comes from giving, and I am grateful for that gift and celebrate today. Give me a call to talk about your charitable goals and your vision for a stronger community. Chris Askin, President/CEO 775-333-5499 Connecting people who care with causes that matter.