Margaret Stewart: Two Decades of Growth and Change

By Chris Askin CSPG, CFRE, President & CEO
When an organization is fortunate enough to have a passionate, talented and dedicated member of its team working to help our community for more than two decades, it’s only natural for such a person to personify that organization.

Margaret Stewart is an embodiment of the values, the commitment and service of the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada.
She retired June 30 from her role as Director of Communications.
He her hard work, her dedication and her caring spirit have earned her the respect and appreciation of our donors and fundholders, community partners, media, local charities, and countless colleagues, friends and admirers.
I’ve had the great honor and pleasure of working with Margaret since I hired her nearly 21 years ago after we worked together at the YMCA of the Sierra.
Back then, the Community Foundation was in its infancy.

For the first several years Margaret was one-half time, and not only was she responsible for our initial marketing messages, website, and communications, but also handled our grant programs and fundholder stewardship work.
As the Foundation grew, Margaret was out-in-front, developing the messages, printed and digital resources, and key communication relationships that enabled the Foundation to flourish.
I am so appreciative of Margaret for her extraordinary work, day after day, year after year, that has been invaluable to the Foundation’s becoming the thriving, vital community resource it is today.

The Community Foundation is known for “Connecting People Who Care with Causes that Matter,” and Margaret has been a cornerstone, a rock – and a rock star – in fulfilling our mission throughout her incredible career with us.
On a personal note, Margaret is a friend; I knew that her big heart and deep love for our community, combined with her skills and passion to make a difference, would make her a perfect partner in helping us bring the founder’s vision of an impactful community foundation to our community. Things could not have worked out better.

Margaret, we will miss you more than you know, and we look forward to your ongoing work with the Caregiver Support Committee.
Well done! All the best and thank you!
– Chris and the Community Foundation Team
July 2021