Goodbye Margaret, Welcome David

If you were to ask Community Foundation staff to describe the feeling at the office, you would likely hear that it feels like the end of an era. The end of Margaret’s era.
After nearly 21 years as Communications Director, Margaret will be retiring from the Community Foundation this coming week. From processing grants and scholarship applications, to managing a rebrand, revamping, and leading all marketing and communications, Margaret has been instrumental to the Community Foundation – to connecting people who care with causes that matter.
Staff might also say that it feels bittersweet. We will miss Margaret more deeply than we know. Yet she is among the first to say that the one part that makes her departure a bit easier to weather is the addition of David Stipech, the new Director of Communications and Marketing. David brings a wealth of experience in public relations, marketing, writing, and many other areas that will continue building the Community Foundation’s brand.
With the heart, mind and skills of a storyteller, David is a native Nevadan who earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (Public Relations focus) from the University of Nevada, Reno. David was Washoe Health System’s (now Renown Health) Director of Public Relations for five years and was responsible for strategic communications, media training, publishing, and more. In 2005, David became KUNR Public Radio’s General Manager. He became the longest-serving General Manager in KUNR’s history and led the transformation of the station into a respected and trusted regional brand. He was the lead writer, marketer, and fundraiser at KUNR and led a growing team that helped double market share and revenues during his 14 years at the helm.
While managing KUNR, David collaborated with the Community Foundation as a sponsor of the Family Estate Planning Series and helped the Community Foundation spread the word about activities including the Youth Network Initiative and the Village on Sage Street. David is deeply connected to our community and currently serves as a board member for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Nevada.
David not only brings technical marketing skills – he is also a proactive leader and is already managing our publications and multiple projects. Continuing to build on the legacy and momentum that Margaret established during her two decades, David now serves as the lead staff member for developing the Community Foundation’s marketing plan in conjunction with the Marketing Committee. David will develop strategies to broaden our message and reach of telling the story of how prospective fundholders can benefit by using the Community Foundation for philanthropy.
Many Northern Nevada residents have become aware of the Community Foundation through community engagement projects like the Village on Sage Street. However, I am confident that David’s expertise will also increase awareness of the Community Foundation’s fundholder services, resulting in new funds that will enable us to further strengthen our region.
Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions at (775) 333-5499 ext. 14. I'll be happy to introduce you to David as well.
Nick Tscheekar
Community Engagement Officer
Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
Connecting People Who Care with Causes That Matter