You Can Help: Let Students Know About Our Scholarship Funds
By David Stipech
Director of Communications and Marketing
The Community Foundation’s annual scholarship season officially opened for 2022 in mid-January. It’s always a busy time for Lauren Renda, our Philanthropic Advisor, who coordinates the program.
Just how busy? Last year, 215 high school graduates received a total of $723,085 to pursue for their higher education goals, from 34 scholarship funds.
Thank you to all the generous scholarship fundholders for supporting these students!
Each scholarship has its own deadline, and the process starts by visiting the scholarship listing page on our website.
It may sound like it’s only February, and the fall semester is far away, but now is the time for students and their families to be actively exploring and starting the assessment and application process, which does take time.
And even if you don’t have a Class of 2022 graduating high school student in your family, you can still help this effort. Please spread the word in your circles of family, friends, places of worship, workplaces, and even on your own social media accounts.
The Community Foundation believes in the power of education in the lives of our young people. We’re sure you do as well. Thanks for helping us share this wonderful resource for our community.
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is strengthening our community through philanthropy and leadership by connecting people who care with causes that matter. We welcome your call at 775-333-5499 or email us at
(Photo: Christopher Livingston, 2019 scholarship recipient.) February 5, 2022