It’s Been an Honor

By Chris Askin CSPG, CFRE
President & CEO
The last six months have flown by since I announced I would retire on Jan. 28, 2022, and as I write this I can indeed say that I already have one foot out the door. This is definitely a time of heading off to the great unknown, having worked steadily since I was 16, including at least half-time during college and full-time in summers. Indeed, almost 50 years – I wonder if the habit will be hard to break?
I have been incredibly honored to have had the opportunity to help launch the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada and to have made so many friends. Certainly, it was a combination of luck, good fortune, the right leadership, and an amazing community that was clearly ready for a community foundation.
Fortunately, in December before the Omicron variant took hold, Community Foundation Board and staff held a wonderful holiday party and retirement event. There truly are not words to express how wonderful the event was, with recognition and thanks that so many others in our community and professional world have earned but didn’t receive. I feel blessed indeed.
We're so appreciative of the dozens of generous people who contributed to a charitable fund at the Community Foundation, through which my wife Ann and I can make grants to support our community. The generosity here was incredible and we are both grateful for having this opportunity to not only help the community, but to stay involved with the Community Foundation. I’m proud to share that we have included the Community Foundation and several designated charities as beneficiaries from our estate, so we will continue to be involved as Legacy Society members at the Foundation, as well. We couldn’t possibly trust any other group as much to carry out our wishes exactly as we intend.
Photos clockwise from top left: Chris with Founder Jim Webster, 2006 | Center: Business Photo, 2007 | At his desk in 2015 | 2021 Annual Meeting | Enjoying a gathering outside our offices, October 2021
My wife Ann is retiring at the same time – following her own distinguished career of impacting lives in healthcare – and we are off on an adventure to begin our next chapter. So many people have told me that it’s important to have something meaningful to do during retirement, and we have that indeed. Travel, world adventure, physical challenges including climbing tall mountains, and of course, community volunteerism and engagement.
If anyone is interested in following our adventures, I’ve set up a website for that purpose, Through blogs we will attempt to share useful information about traveling and the world in general. Philosophy and health are our key themes, and the phrase “Just because it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it won’t be a good time” somewhat accurately describes our attitude towards trying new things and taking risks. For everyone who knows me, I do like to take risks, but with quite a bit of planning and care taken so as to not have a bad outcome.
Best wishes to you and yours. Looking forward to seeing you around town and at future Community Foundation events.
Take care,
January 22, 2022
Editor's Note: Our entire team here at the Community Foundation wishes Chris and Ann well in their new chapter together. You can send Chris an email this week at, and read more by visiting our homepage.
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is strengthening our community through philanthropy and leadership by connecting people who care with causes that matter. We welcome your call at 775-333-5499 or email us at