Community Fund Grants 2021 Focused on Mental Health and Domestic Violence

This year, the Community Endowment generated $120,800 in grants focused on mental health and aiding victims of domestic violence.
Granting with a targeted focus to nonprofits tackling the same issue from different angles builds upon the impact. The Grant Advisory Committee studied # of proposals and distributed the grants among eight nonprofits. These local organizations range in size and scope of their services. All have been operating in our area for more than five years and run with efficient and transparent budgets.
We are very proud to announce the recipients of the 2021 Community Fund grants.
Domestic Violence Resource Center: $25,000 for general operating support. Note-Ables Music Therapy: $15,000 to fund mental health needs through music therapy at the Washoe County Sherriff's Department Detention Center. STEP2, Inc.: $22,500 for Victim's Services program Awaken:$15,000 to fund mental health services for survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Trauma Intervention Program of Northern Nevada (TIP): $5,000 to support 2021 volunteer recruitment, training, and retention. Women and Children's Center of the Sierra: $15,000 to fund services to victims of domestic violence in Southeast Reno. Community Chest, Inc.: $13,300 to fund mental health counseling and support for victims of domestic violence in Storey County. Center for Adaptive Riding: $10,000 for equine therapy.
Thank you, Community Endowment donors, for believing in the power of philanthropy.
The Grant Advisory Committee combined creative thinking, thoughtful analysis, and a solid knowledge of our community with many hours of exploration and teamwork. Your contributions are in good hands. Know that your donation is the vital piece of a community-wide effort by Community Foundation staff, volunteers, donors, and nonprofits, making our region a better place. Gifts to the Community Endowment of any size are always welcome and will be added to the investment to generate grants for next year and generations to come. You can give online, make a gift of appreciated property, or through a grant from your donor advised fund. Perhaps the most feasible way for most of us to make a major contribution to the Community Endowment is through an estate or planned gift. The legacies we have received so far have been transformational. Community Foundation Philanthropic Advisors Lyndsey Crossley and Lauren Renda are happy to answer any question about the Community Fund grants and talk with you about making a gift to the Community Endowment that will be used - For good. Forever.