Community Foundation Trustee Bonnie Read is a Woman of Achievement

Bonnie Read, Community Foundation Trustee, was honored for her achievements during the Nevada Women’s Fund’s “Salute to the Women of Achievement” on May 27. Bonnie joined the Community Foundation Board as an Advisory member initially, moving to become a Trustee, and now is Chairing one of the Community Foundation’s key standing committees. Bonnie brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to helping others. As one of the most engaged board members in our Caregiver Initiative, Bonnie helps us connect with families who can best benefit.
Bonnie’s vocation is also closely tied to the Community Foundation as the granddaughter of Ray Rude, the inventor, and manufacturer of the Duraflex Diving Board. Bonnie is the Executive Assistant, working closely with the Duraflex International management team. The Community Foundation works closely with Duraflex to manage their philanthropy. Company dividends flow through the Community Foundation to fund grants in support of USA divers.
Following the Nevada Women’s Fund annual recognition breakfast and seminars, Bonnie joined staff and guests for a luncheon at the Community Foundation office. We enjoyed the virtual broadcast presentation presented live streaming on KTVN Channel 2. The University of Nevada, Reno Elite Diving Coach of the Decade, Jian Li You, joined us to share her appreciation of Bonnie, along with competitive diving champions Krysta Palmer and Evan Moretti. Bonnie’s father, Royce, also joined to help us celebrate Bonnie’s achievements. Royce entertained the group with a story about Ray Rude, who he worked with during the early years of the Duraflex company.
The Community Foundation could not be prouder of Bonnie nor more pleased to have the opportunity to recognize and thank Bonnie for all she has done for our community. Please join me in thanking and saluting Bonnie and all Women of Achievement.
Chris Askin, President/CEO
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