The Community Foundation Mission
How Can We Help You, and Our Community? Since 1998 we have focused on helping people who care with causes that matter. We are proud that we have worked to support you, local charities, and been a conduit for thousands of gifts to hundreds of charities, schools, and scholarship recipients. This is what we have become known for. This is how many people describe our Foundation.
But as a Community Foundation, our real focus is on making this a better place for all of us, and not just the Truckee Meadows, but all of Northern Nevada. Through this column and other messaging, including our newly released Annual Report, we have shared our expanded mission that includes community initiatives, the newest being impact investments. These are activities will accomplish a new level of engagement and outcomes that are noticeable, measurable, and sustainable. We are growing into our responsibilities with increased capacity and focused intention.
I hope in the future we will be described as a Foundation that helps address some of our region’s most persistent issues, and that the Community Foundation is a go-to place for action and results. Along with these changes we are working on a brand refresh. I am grateful to the four new and very talented marketing professionals who have recently joined our board. In January The Community Foundation will be moving to a larger office to accommodate our expanded mission activities, staff, and board.
We will always be donor-centric. The Community Foundation is here to serve donors’ needs, and community needs. Our policies, procedures, personnel, and practices are evolving and adapting to be sure we meet those needs. We serve humbly and respectfully, honored to have the role and responsibilities of helping make things better, for all of us, through philanthropy and leadership.
Please spread the word about the Community Foundation. Let people know that we are maturing and evolving to have greater impact. We are focused on you. I don’t like to be the reminder of how quickly time goes, but with just 11 weeks left in this year, if you would like help exploring a charitable gift that will meet your financial/estate needs, and most importantly, make your community a better place, please give me a call.
We connect people who care with causes that matter.
Chris Askin, President & CEO