Community Foundation Awards Record $12,000 in Grants at County Fair

The Community Foundation of Elko County celebrated its largest grant distribution yet at the 2019 Elko County Fair, when Foundation Chair Teri Gage and Vice-Chair Kerry Aguirre announced $12,000 in grants, including a generous $10,000 contribution from an anonymous donor. This year's awards mark significant growth from the Foundation's previous distributions, which totaled $3,500 in both 2017 and 2018.
Four organizations received funding to support vital community services:
- Wells Family Resource Center will expand its Building Blocks for Literacy Program
- Communities in Schools of Nevada will support Academy Classes at both Elko and Spring Creek High Schools
- Northeastern Nevada Special Advocates for the Elderly will enhance services for seniors
- Nevada Legal Services will establish an Elko Legal Services Resource Help Desk
Pictured left to right: Teri Gage, Kerry Aguirre, Jalaine Stanton, Sarah Goicoechea, Amanda Kerr, Katie Neddenriep