Please join me in thanking those selfless and generous individuals who give their time and treasure to help our local charities. An organization simply cannot be strong without a strong board. I often hear people remark on the strength of the Community Foundation Board, made up of people of integrity who are known for their professionalism and who are trusted by their peers and friends. On my personal LinkedIn page, my third top-ranked skill and endorsement is for board development, and that makes me so very proud.
We have a unique structure at the Community Foundation that ensures we have a large group of engaged volunteers who not only focus on governance and fund development, but also on leadership. Our Board of Trustees is composed of 18 members who serve up to three 3-year terms. We have an Advisory Board that is even larger. Together those board members fill seven committees, and it is in the committees where the heavy lifting is done. Our committees are comprised of board members who have professional expertise in the focus area of the committee or are representative of the community served by the committee. Our board is comprised of leaders from industry and top professionals, from Elko to Gardnerville, of all ages and diverse backgrounds. Our nominating committee works hard to ensure all board members are engaged and to strengthen the board each year, particularly in light of our future goals.
During the last two years, we have been led by Board Chair, Thomas J. Hall, Attorney at Law. Tom has led the Community Foundation through a transformational period as our mission expanded to include more direct community work and leadership roles; as we moved to a larger office, rebranded, expanded our staff; and as we developed a five-year strategic plan. Guided by Tom’s vision and leadership we have successfully completed the busy two-year growth period. I am beyond grateful.
Put this date on your calendar: our Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 13
th, 5-7pm. Location to be announced. Tom and other Community Foundation leaders will be recognized at our Annual Meeting. Please join me at that event to hear more about the Board’s vision for the future, and to recognize the outstanding leaders who have taken the ball passed to them by prior boards and moved it significantly further up the field. Their work with the Community Foundation can be seen in hundreds of programs and activities in the region that are helping to build a strong community for future generations.
I would be remiss in this article if I did not remind you to give us a call if you would like to join the Community Foundation in our work. We can use your help.
Chris Askin, President, and CEO
Connecting people who care with causes that matter