Simon Williams
Donor Relations Committee
Through smart and strategic gift and estate planning, Simon works with donors (and their advisors) to help them explore and make outright, blended and deferred gifts in support of their personal values and financial goals and the charitable causes they care about.
Simon is a member of The Nature Conservancy’s Gift Planning team. He provides support in structuring lifetime, blended and deferred gift arrangements for individuals and families, including: gifts of non-cash and complex assets (stock, real estate, personal property, business interests, retirement plans, life insurance); gifts that pay fixed or variable income to one or more beneficiaries (annuities, remainder trusts); gifts that preserve wealth for future generations (lead trusts); and gifts that generate significant tax advantages (retained life estates, donor advised funds).
Simon is in his seventeenth year at The Nature Conservancy. Simon previously directed a Conservancy-wide program that helped to engage hundreds of trustees to participate in gift planning opportunities during the organization’s $8 Billion Our World campaign. He has also led fundraising efforts for the Conservancy’s Nevada Chapter, and held positions managing and developing the Conservancy’s Gift Planning marketing and communications efforts.
Simon graduated with a B.A. in American Studies from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. He is based in Reno, Nevada, where he lives with his wife, Danielle, daughter, Stella, and cat, Anderson. Simon currently serves on the Board of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners and is also a board member and past president of the Planned Giving Round Table of Northern Nevada— a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to advancing and promoting charitable gift planning. In his spare time, Simon enjoys hiking, paddle-boarding, photography, snorkeling and diving, and travel in general.