Nick Butler
Finance Committee
Nick Butler is a Reno native and likes to tell people that he, his wife, and their three kids were all born at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center. He is a two-time University of Nevada graduate with a BA in Economics and a Master of Accountancy.
Butler has been a commercial banker since graduating from college. He has over 20 years of experience working for regional and large national banks. Butler is currently the Managing Director for the State of Nevada for Umpqua Bank’s Middle Market Banking. He has a broad range of experience in banking, from working with small first-generation companies to large publicly traded companies and from Native American Tribes to private hedge funds.
Nick and his family enjoy the great outdoors the Northern Nevada region offers, from camping and hiking in the Ruby Mountains to biking and skiing around Lake Tahoe. As a lifelong resident, he is deeply interested in contributing to the positive future of Northern Nevada.